"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love". - Rumi

Coaching is a professional relationship that helps people grow in their personal and professional life. Clients learn the skill sets for self-awareness and human flourishing. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life

In each meeting, the client chooses the focus of the conversation, while the coach listens and contributes observations and questions. The interaction creates clarity and moves the client into action. Coaching accelerates the client's progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice. Coaching concentrates on where clients are now and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be in the future. Coaches recognize that results are a matter of the client's intentions, choices, and actions, supported by the coach's efforts and application of the coaching process. 

- International Coach Federation


Executive coaching 

Executive coaching usually concentrates on senior leaders and executives. You can expect the executive coach to be familiar with diverse management styles and the life-rhythms that tend to follow leadership roles. Executive coaches also have a deep understanding of organizational culture and strategy. 


Life coaching

Life coaches concentrate on whole-life issues including personal relationships, vocational balance, and planning for your future. We're all managing a lot! It's easy to get lost in daily complications and busyness, and the future can be overwhelming when we struggle to manage the present. Life-coaching can help you listen and respond to the stronger pull of what you really love, clearing the path to your thriving future. 


ENNEAGRAM coaching

Enneagram coaches serve as a guide in helping others see themselves with clarity and grow in self-awareness and understanding. The coach’s job is to introduce you to the tool of the Enneagram and show you how the system works. As they connect it with your personal story, you'll uncover your unique pathway of growth that will help you break unhealthy patterns, strengthen your relationships, and move in the direction of your callings with greater effectiveness, efficiency, and purpose.


“Executive Coaching is a powerful developmental activity that influences both work behavior and overall personal well-being” 

 - Steven D Axelrod, Axelrod Consulting